Delivering a Meal to Parents of a New Baby - Healthy Japanese Meal Train Menu

I'm passionate about bringing a meal to anyone I know with a new baby, who is under the weather, or families in mourning. Even the gesture of a loaf of banana bread can go a long way to heal someone who is feeling vulnerable or just unwell. For families organizing a calendar or meals (like parents of a new baby, or someone who is ill and needs help for an extended period), there is a free website called where you can set up an event and invite people to volunteer for particular dates for your recipient. It's a great tool!

This week I learned that my neighbors had their fist baby (a little boy) several weeks early, and they are home as a little family with their not-quite-2 week old. Here is the menu that I made for my family (and split to share with their family). I hope these foods inspire you to reach out to a person in need with the offer of a meal, and to consider healthy, easy to eat foods that they wouldn't otherwise be in a position to prepare for themselves.

A few tips:
*I always try and provide healthy foods where I do the peeling and chopping for my recipient -- relieving the recipient from such a task). I'll never forget the pomegranates someone gave me after my first daughter was born (they were whole). They rotted on the counter, untouched. :(
*Finger foods are great (sushi, hard boiled eggs, watermelon cubes).
*Comfort foods are always great (here, it's a stew, that's easy to heat in the microwave and eat with a spoon - no cutting required) - I tend to check with the family first regarding their preferences and dietary restrictions.
*Make a Menu or list of what you are giving...sometimes foods get lost in the fridge during these busy times. A list is nice to refer to.
*Make easy arrangements for the return of dishes if there are any. (Disposables are great. If I give dishes, it's usually to a neighbor or classmate where they can leave the clean or dirty dish on their doorstep or in my child's cubby and I can scoop it up without troubling them too much).
*I've also been known to dump a pot of soup out of my soup pot and into a pot or Tupperware belonging to the recipient. A quick dish-transfer trick, so that no pots or pans need returning.
*Are you a terrible cook, or far away? Picking up a friend's favorite takeout or sending a gift card to a nearby restaurant that delivers is a wonderful gift.

For my Easy Japanese Golden Curry:

Green Salad with Citrus Supremes:

For my homemade sushi videos:

For another BIG Meal Train video:

For my corresponding blog post about Meal Trains:

Thanks for viewing and please keep in touch!

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