Delicious griddle bread

A delicious cheesy garlic bread, baked right in the Weber! Perfect for your next braai.


- 4 cups of flour
- 450ml water (lukewarm)
- 10grams yeast (dry active)
- 20g dried oregano or herbs
- 50ml honey
- 50ml olive oil
- 1 to 2 teaspoons salt

Cheese dip
- Parmesan
- Mozzarella
- Cheddar
- Cream cheese
- Garlic
- Oregano or herbs


1. Combine all dry ingredients
2. Add oil and honey
3. Mix
4. Add water (Luke warm)
5. Mix to a dough and knead for about 10 - 15 mins until dough forms a soft putty-like texture. If dough too wet, add little amounts of flour as you mix. (Always best to add flour rather than water)
6. Cover and place in a draft-free area for about 1 to 2 hours or until dough has risen to twice its size
7. Check dough and uncover if risen
8. Punch down and form into a ball
9. Cut ball into strips of equal length
10. Roll strips in hand to form a sausage shape
11. Thoroughly coat the dough sausages in the cheese mixture
12. Tie coated strips into a knot as per visual.
13. Arrange in baking pan in a circle with a holier the centre for the cream cheese dip
14. Remove and allow to prove for 15 mins

1. Dice garlic
2. Add Parmesan
3. Grate cheddar and mozzarella and add to bowl of garlic and parmesan
4. Mix together
5. Set aside

Prepare fire in Weber, with coals on either side, leaving an open space in the middle.
Then make cream cheese dip

Cream cheese dip
1. Add remainder parmesan oregano and cream cheese to cheese mixture
2. Mix into a soft paste

1. Bring pan back with knotted dough balls that should now have proved nicely
2. Form cream cheese paste into a ball and drop into the centre of the dough balls
3. Smother the entire pan lovingly with more cheese. Mozzarella, cheddar, and if left over add the remainder parmesan
4. By now your epic fire should be at 200
5. Bake for 15 20 minutes
6. Enjoy!
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