Delicious Gluten Free Brownies Dads That Cook

This simple Gluten Free Brownies recipe will have your neighborhood coming to your door to eat them! We challenge you to try and eat only one...


Hey it's Jason Glover with Dads That Cook. I've got a wonderful guest. My boy, big boy. He's going to make some brownies with me today. It's going to be great. It's going to be gluten free brownies. We're making them from scratch today. Huh? Yes we are. It's going to be yummy, I can't wait. We've got all the ingredients here for this. So the chocolate sauce is pretty simple to make. Right? Yeah.
A couple of sticks of butter in there. Melted them down, and then put the cocoa powder in. And a cup of cocoa powder? Mm-hmm.
Okay. From our good folks over at Deli. And you just kind of melted it down on a stove top, and then we cooled it off inside the freezer for about five minutes or so. Just to cool it down so it's not too hot.
Then we're going to take our dry stuff, and we're going to mix the dry stuff together first. So mixing it together we're going to take the sugar, this is just plain sugar, your regular old sugar here, a cup and a half. We're going to put that in a bowl. Brown sugar, which is a half a cup of brown sugar. We're going to put that in the bowl. A half cup of flour. Now I'm using gluten free Cup 4 Cup. Thomas Keller, the man. Pinch of salt. Don't need a lot. Just a nice pinch, just to give it a little bite. Corban, if you could do me a favor and just mix that up and make sure it's all nice, and mixed, and happy?
While he's doing that, I'm going to do some of the wet stuff. So I got my eggs. I'm just going to bang those in there. I don't care. Bam, bam, bam. Excuse me buddy. Throw in the garbage. Tablespoon of vanilla. We've got a tablespoon of vanilla. The chocolate here. Stick that in there like so. So we have our dry stuff all nicely mixed. Now we need to do our wet stuff. So let's get that working here a little. Let's give it a little tour. Can you give that a tour? Mm-hmm I can.
Get those eggs nice and whipped up. So get it blended, because you don't want to just throw all your stuff into one big pile. It'll be chunky, and it won't have the flavor that will be mixed throughout the entire thing. Get in there and really work it. Work that elbow. Work that elbow. There you go buddy. Then we're just going to take the dry stuff here, give it one last little toss, and we're going to slowly mix this in. You want to slowly mix it in. You don't want to just dump a big lump in there, because it'll be harder to mix. So just take your time with it. Make sure it all gets in there. Get it, get it, get it, get it. In the meantime I have my oven, its already been pre-baking at 325. This is going to be enough to make two of these eight inch pans. So once we get this all whipped up here, once I get my little kid's arm ready to fall off ... Is it hurting yet?
A little bit. It's starting to get a little sore. After we work this brownie mix you're going to be buff. Oh yeah. Yeah. You're going to have that one muscle. I'm ready. I'm going to spray the pans with a little canola oil. We're going to do halfsies here. It's looking like it's-About equal? Yeah.
Give it a little shake. We're going to stick them in the oven at 325 for about 35 minutes. We'll keep an eye on them. We'll poke them with a toothpick, make sure that they're not all gooey and yucky. Right? Yeah. Then we'll pull them out, and we'll put our nice little happy sauce. We've got some caramel honey. You'll have to try it, you'll love it. That's it. Now we just sit and we wait. Looking good.
The brownie, it's all cooled down. We're going to cut it into little squares, and we're going to put it on a nice little plate, and then we're going to drizzle our caramel sauce all over that. Dig your finger in there, no? Mm-hmm (affirmative). No. That's you. I don't want a big one. Oh that's good.

Jason Glover is the original Dad That Cooks and owns and operates Splash Digital Media. As a Dad and the primary cook for his family, he conceived DTC through his experiences and by talking with other Dads. When fellow Dads shared with Jason theyd love to learn from his own first-hand kitchen experiences, the idea for DTC was born. As the idea continued to keep him up at night he thought, why not leverage his film and video production and comedy background with his love of cooking for his family to become the host of DTC.

Ryan Seacrest move over introducing Jason Glover as the host of Dads That Cook.
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