Day in the life with a teething 6 month old

My first vlog dedicated to Megan! (It's the first one with some little weaning clips in too!)

She's teething at the moment and really suffering. Her cheeks are bright red, her nappies are horrendous and she is trying to chew everything in sight!
I wanted to film a DITL that focused more on Megan as she doesn't feature much on my channel yet. I've left out the awful teething nappies and the screaming but it was still just a really simple day at home with my favourites.
We've tried so much to try and give Megan's poor gums some relief and have finally found some toys and accessories that seem to help. We were sent some fantastic bits by Gumigem and Megan loves them!

You can find links to the products featured here:

Teething necklace:

Teething bath bag:


Tags comforter:

The necklace is great for Megan to chew while she's in the sling and is also great for gaining her attention when feeding out and about when she is easily distracted.
The bag is her absolute favourite and, although it's a bath toy, gets played with and chewed constantly! I love that they aren't hollow so don't collect all that black gunk that usually collects in bath toys. It makes me feel really safe giving it to her to put in her mouth! I think I may end up getting her a Bubba bag original too as I know she'll love it!

What are your favourite things to help distract or sooth a teething baby? I'd love any tips in the description box below!

About me:
I'm Kayley, mummy to Harry (2yrs) and Megan (6months) I live in Stockport with my husband Alistair and our two children. I love cheesy 90s music, cooking and gin.
I blog at

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