Crackin flax& Crunching Almond Crackers

Cracki'n Flax

1/2 Cup Flax Brown and yellow
1/2 Cup Chia
1/2 Cup Raw Pumpkin seeds
1/2 Cup Raw Sunflower seeds
3 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
1 Tbsp Zaatar spice
1 Tsp dry Oregano
1 Tsp dry basil
1 Tsp Himalayan Salt
1 Cup water
1 Tsp Spirulina "Super food" powder (optional)

Warm oven to 300.

Place all ingredients in a bowl and with a spoon mix till all water is absorbed.
Place parchment paper on a long baking pan and pour mixture inside while spreading the mixture evenly all over the paper.I prefer to create shapes before the baking because it helps with dividing the crackers however its up to yo to leave it whole and then just brake the pieces. Place in the oven for 40 minutes then take out and flip the crackers gently to the other side for another 20 minutes.Crackers needs to feel hard to the touch when ready.Save it an an air tight container.

Crunching Almonds
2 Cups Almond flour
4 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
1 tsp Himalayan salt
1 Tsp garlic powder (optional)
3 Tbsp mix of fresh Oregano and Rosemary (or dry if not available)
1/2 Cup water or more if needed(depends on the dough)

Warm oven to 300.

Put all dry ingredients in a bowl and start by adding 1/2 cup of water. Start mixing with a spoon and then move to hands make sure you knitting the dough until it's all formed and nothing stays in the bowl.Add a little more water when needed if dough is to dry.
Place mixture on a parchment paper in the size of a long baking pan.Then place another piece of paper on top and using a rolling pin start flattening and spreading the dough.Then remove the top layer and start cutting the uneven pieces with a knife and place them where its missing.
Once the entire dough is spread place it on the pan with the parchment and create the size of crackers you desire with a knife. Place in the oven for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven and check, crackers need to feel hard all over. If needed return to oven for another 10 minutes. Once its cool place in air tight container.

The majority of snacks you buy in the market are processed and have lots of preservatives in order to last a really long shelf live.Therefore there is nothing that can compere with homemade snacks that are Nutritious and delicious.
Thank you & don't forget to share.
Love & Spices Bat-Sheva
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