Could Mold be a Root Cause of...ADHD? Picky Eating? Your Mystery Illness? with Beth O'Hara HPC: E166

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Beth's story literally gave me goosebumps over and over. Can you imagine being in your late 20s and so sick that not a single health practitioner, natural or allopathic, can figure out what's wrong with you??

Putting the pieces of the puzzle together took everything she had, and reversing her many chronic illnesses took even more, BUT she did it. Now she has helped 100s of other with complex mystery illnesses get well.

Whether you know someone with mystery illnesses that they can't get help for or you're just curious about our bodies and how they hurt and heal, this interview is for you.

Mold toxicity is a new(er) player on the block, and if you're a human who breathes air, you MUST be educated about what it looks like.

We cover a huge span in this interview, from mold toxicity to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome to Lyme and histamine intolerance, including:

* Why mold toxicity is a new(er) and massive issue for more than half of Americans
* How to know if you have possibly been exposed
* Why some people react to mold while others, even in the same household, might not have any symptoms
* What to do if your home has mold
* What common "seasonal" diagnosis is ACTUALLY mold toxicity 85% of the time! (Eeek!)
* Why sensitivities to food or fragrances may be a red flag for something else
* What an aversion to colorful fruits and veggies might REALLY be

Whether your child struggles with ADHD or autism, anyone in your family has symptoms no one can figure out (even brain fog!), or even if you have a picky eater, you might learn some new root causes today!

If I had to pull one "best" quote from this interview, I literally couldn't do it. It's knowledge bomb after knowledge bomb -- I learned so much!!

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