Chicken, Mushroom & Leek Pie Creamy and Crisp Pie Chicken Pie at home

#chickenpie #chickenmushroompie #cookerybites #crispypie

- Leek - 250 g
- Chicken - 500 g (boneless cut into cubes)
- Mushroom - 200 g
- Plain Flour - 1 tbsp
- Chicken Stock cube - 1
- Ground nutmeg - 1/2 tsp
- Thyme - 1/2 tsp
- Mustard Sauce - 1 tsp
- Pastry sheet roll - 1
- Egg - 1
- Fresh Cream - 100 ml


- Heat a nonstick pan and add 1 tbsp oil. Add chicken cubes and fry for 5-7 minutes until turns golden brown.
- Heat another pan and add 1 tbsp butter. Add mushrooms & leek and gently keep mixing for 4-5 minutes.
- Dilute the chicken stock cube in 300 ml warm water. Add chicken stock to the pan and continue to cook.
- Once it boils, add 100 ml fresh cream, mix and continue to cook.
- After 2 minutes, add fried chicken pieces and cook for another 3 minutes.
- Add all 3 (Ground nutmeg, Thyme & Mustard Sauce) to pan and mix well.
- For baking, fill the cooked mixture in pie dish leaving one inch from top.
- Unroll the pastry sheet and cut into 2 inch strips and cover the pie dish by placing strips in overlapping pattern.
- Beat 1 egg and coat the pastry strips using a brush.
- Read to bake for 20 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 200C
- Once you can see the top looking crisp, its ready! Serve with green salad of your choice and enjoy the crispy and creamy pie!

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