Chicken and Cheese Pizza Fried balls | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Chicken and Cheese Pizza Fried Balls
All - purpose flour - 1 cup
Salt - As per taste
Oil - As required
Egg - 2 nos.
Water - As required
Chicken (pieces) - 150gms
Ginger - 1 piece
Mixed herbs - 1 tsp
Chilli flakes - 1 tsp
Cheese - 1 cup
Butter - 5 cubes
Tomato ketchup - 2 tsp
Egg - 1 no.
Take a bowl add all- purpose flour, salt, oil, egg, water mixed with it and make a soft dough. Rest it for 20-25 minutes.
Take boiled chicken pieces in a plate, chopped ginger,mixed herbs, chilli flakes, grated cheese, butter, salt mixed it well. Mixture is ready.
Roll the dough, apply some tomato ketchup and stuff into the butter mixture make into a small dumplings rest it for some time.
Crack an egg in a bowl,add water mix it well and dip the dumplings.Coat into the corn flour mixture.
Heat hot oil in pan, deep fry the dumplings transfer into a plate.
Crispy Chicken and Cheese Pizza Fired Balls ready to serve.
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