Cherry Crêpe Cake l Jen Phanomrat | Tastemade

Stack on the sweet fun with cherries and crêpes in one glorious cake.

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For the crêpes:
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tbsp sugar
¼ tsp kosher salt
4 eggs
1 ½ cups milk
3 tbsp unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled

For the filling and topping:
1 ½ cups cherries, pitted
8 oz mascarpone cheese
¾ cup heavy cream
⅓ cup powdered sugar
Whole cherries for topping


Combine flour, sugar, pinch of salt. Then add eggs, milk, melted butter.

Combine in a mixer or blender until there are no more lumps. Let sit in fridge for at least one hour to rest.

Heat a non-stick pan on medium high heat. Brush on some melted butter. Add a small ladle of the batter, and quickly move the pan to evenly distribute the batter. Once edges are dry, flip to cook the other side. Once slightly golden, set aside and continue process.

Make the filling: blend pitted cherries, mascarpone cheese, and powdered sugar until smooth. Then use a mixer to beat in the heavy cream, until fluffy.

Assembly: On a platter or cake stand, place one crepe and spread a thin layer (about a tablespoon of the filling) over the crepe. Place another crepe on top and repeat the process.

Spread a final layer of the filling mixture on the top crepe, and arrange a cluster of whole cherries in the center.


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