Cheesy Seekh Kabab Spring Roll Recipe by SooperChef

Cheesy Seekh Kabab Spring Rolls are best to kill your hunger cravings at teatime. This perfect tea partner will make your evening delightful. Try out these Cheese Seekh Kabab Spring Rolls made with K&N's Seekh Kabab and let us know how it turned out.

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Cheesy Seekh Kabab Spring Rolls

Roll sheets 12
K&Ns Seekh kabab 540 g 12
Mozzarella cheese Strips 12
Oil (for frying) 1 liter or as required
Carrot (Julienne) 1 cup
Cabbage (Julienne) 1 cup
Capsicum (Julienne) 1 cup
Oil 2 tbsp
Salt 1/2 tsp / to taste
Black pepper powder 1 tsp
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Chili Sauce 1 tbsp
Flour mixture (all-purpose flour 1/2 cup + water 4 tbsp)

1. In a pan, heat oil, add Carrot, cabbage, capsicum, and cook for 1-2 mins. Add salt and black pepper, soy sauce, chili sauce and cook for another minute. Your vegetable filling is ready.
2. Thaw K&Ns Seekh Kabab as per instructions on the pack.
3. Fry K&Ns Seekh Kabab as per instructions on the pack.
4. Take one prepared K&Ns Seekh Kabab, place a cut vertically on it, opening it from top. Now place one cheese strip in the K&Ns Seekh Kabab and close the K&Ns Seekh Kabab to secure the cheese strip.
5. Now take the roll sheet and add a layer of vegetable filling on it.
6. Place prepared cheese stuffed K&Ns Seekh Kabab on it and now wrap the roll sheet around K&Ns Seekh Kabab making a roll shape.
7. Bind the roll sheet with flour mixture.
8. Deep fry the prepared spring rolls over medium flame until golden brown in color.
9. Your Cheesy Seekh Kabab Spring Rolls are ready. Serve with ketchup and enjoy.
Preparation time: 20-25 mins (including vegetable cutting)
Cooking time: 15-20 mins
Serving: 12
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