Black sesame ice cream | japanese style ice cream with kurogoma 黒ゴマアイスクリーム | all day i eat like a shark

Black sesame ice cream - simple, nutty, flavorful and delicious! It took me a few tries to get the flavor right and it was because i initially left out a key ingredient.

Can you guess what that might be?

Depending on the recipe, ice cream is often made with milk, cream, eggs and sugar. That key ingredient? it's not any of those. And it's also not nerigoma (sesame paste) or the freshly ground sesame seeds.

Still not sure? Watch the video and find out! It'll make a good difference between black sesame ice cream that tastes good and black sesame ice cream that tastes awesome!

Learn how to make this at home so that you can enjoy true Japanese dessert flavors right in your own kitchen!
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