Birthday wish! #StopAsianHate

Thank you all for the birthday wishes!!

Todays the day people show me the most love & attention

I really appreciate all the love but with all that attention im getting today I wanted to bring awareness to #stopasianhate

Im not here for the why dont you repost this? Youre against us type of energy.

I just want to appreciate every single person out there showing up and supporting us.

I dont know what we can do about the people who hate us.

Ive personally physically punished plenty people in my life for being racist but i dont even know if thats the solution.

If you sat at my lunch table, no one was allowed to be racist or bully anyone. And I continue to do what I can on and offline.

But I truly believe that YOU, who support us will make a huge impact in the future by standing by us and standing up for us.

I really dont know what the solution to all this is I dont even know if this video should be uploaded.

But for now I just wanted to bring more awareness to #stopasianhate

Thanks for hearing me out.

Love yall~

Peace & Sarang
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