A Big Announcement about my Little Kosher Lunch Channel & New Video Content

I know you all came here for the lunches. I, like you, was once freaking out about packing lunch day in and day out for my Preschooler to take to her Jewish Day School and was hungry for ideas in that arena. But I got so excited sharing things on YouTube that the content is a little cluttered on here. So, starting this fall Ill be kicking my lunch tutorials into high gear on this channel and spinning off a new channel for everything else mommy related, called "Melissa Shares." If you are the parent or care giver of a young child and could use ideas and tips for after school snacks, activities, kids books, figs guides, gardening and just parenting in general, I hope you'll join me over on the new channel too!

To subscribe to Melissa Shares visit my new channel here:

If you're just here for the lunches, I hope you'll be more satisfied with my focused content in the upcoming months! Thank you for your support and feedback. I really love the community here on YouTube!
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