Bhudda Bowl

I like to keep a pretty healthy stock of aquafaba in the house, so I also have tons of beans! Not surprisingly, I've tried to incorporate them into everything I make, including these super healthy, unbelievably satisfying and delicious "Boo-duh" Bowls. smile emoticon Here's a short DIY video on how to make your own Boo-duh Bowl! Gluten free, and dairy/egg/animal product free, of course!
Ingredients for Bowl:
2/3 cups of cooked brown rice (you can also use quinoa for some extra protein)
1/2 cup chopped cabbage
1/2 cup chickpeas
1/4 cup black beans
1/2 cup roasted broccoli and cauliflower (you can also use raw)
1/4 cup extra firm tofu, cubed
5-6 cherry tomatoes, halved
1/4 avocado, cubed
salt/pepper, to taste
Tahini Dressing (see recipe below)
Ingredients for Tahini Dressing
-2 tbsp of Tahini sauce
-1 tbs of soy sauce (or liquid aminos)
-1 tsp red wine vinegar
-fresh cracked black pepper
Assemble your bowl however you like. I like to start with the rice and cabbage to serve as a "bed" for my other ingredients. Mix all dressing ingredients together until well combined. Drizzle dressing over your bowl after it's assembled. Add some freshly cracked black pepper over your bowl. Enjoy!!
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