Betel Leaf Rasam (Vetallai Rasam) | Quick and Easy Soup by Preetha Srinivasan | India Food Network

Preetha is always experimenting with the ingredients she uses in her cooking. Today, she is using betel leaf to make a potent rasam that is delicious and drives away that mild cold! Learn how to cook Vetallai Rasam / Betel leaf Rasam / Betel Leaves Soup at home, a quick and easy soup recipe by India Food Network.

4 to 5 betel leaves
¾ tsp black pepper
1 tsp cumin seeds
2 dried red chillies
2 to 3 garlic cloves
2 small tomatoes, pureed
Pinch turmeric powder
Hing dissolved in water
Salt to taste
1 tbsp ghee
4 to 5 curry leaves, slivered or whole


Dry roast black pepper, cumin seeds, chillies and garlic on a medium flame till colour changes. Keep aside to cool.

Grind along with betel leaves to a powder. Keep aside.

In a pan, combine tomato puree, 1 cup water, turmeric, hing and salt. Boil on a medium flame for 5 to 7 minutes.

Add ground powder, more water as required for rasam consistency and simmer on low flame till frothy. Don’t over boil.

Make tempering with ghee and curry leaves and pour over rasam.

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