Best Matar Waale Chawal (Green Peas Pulav ) By Seema | India Food Network

"Looking out for a quick fix and easy to make recipe? You should try Matar waale chawal (green peas pulav), which can be cooked in under 20 minutes . Make Matar waale chawal (green peas pulav) at home. Watch the video and learn from Seema as she demonstrates the recipe for Matar waale chawal (green peas pulav) . Recipe of Matar waale chawal (green peas pulav) is simple and easy to follow and can be prepared in few minutes.
Watch and enjoy the delicacy.

Ingredients to make Matar waale chawal (green peas pulav) at home are :

1 cup of raw rice which has soaked for 30mins
2 cups of peas
Salt as per taste
Coriander leaves for garnish
2-3 clit green chillies
1 tsp of jeera seeds (cumin seeds)
2 tbsp of oil
2 black cardamoms
4-5 cloves
4-5 black pepper
2-3 sticks of cinnamon
1 aniseed
2-3 bay leaves
2 large onions, thinly sliced
2 cups of water

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