Bengali Rasgulla | Sponge Rasgulla | घर में कैसे रसगुल्ला बनाएं | Anyone Can Cook with Dr.Alisha

Bengali Sponge rasgullas is all time favourite and the most popular dessert. Spongy Rasgullas are very easy to make at home with only three ingredients. Try this recipe at home and serve it your friends and family members.

Milk 1litre
Sugar 1cup
Vinegar 2tbsp

1.In a pan, add milk and let it boil .Onceit starts boiling, add vinegar so that milk gets curdle and whey and chena gets seperated.
2.Strain it with a strainer and wash it with fresh water to remove the flavor of vinegar.
3. Hang this chena for about 30 minutes.
4.After 30 minutes get the chena and crumble it and then add 1tbsp of cornflour or maida .and start making its dough while kneading it for 7-8 minutes or till it gets greasy.
5.Make small balls out of it.
6.Prepare the sugar syrup .for this add 4 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar and let the sugar completely dissolve in water and water comes to boil, then add balls in this water.
7.Cook it for 15 minutes on high flame.
8.After 15 minutes turn off the flame.and let rasgulla cool for about 4-5 hrs in refrigerator.
9. Our Rasgullas are ready

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White Gravy

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