Beef Chili Macaroni Recipe by SooperChef

Give your pasta a twist by making this Beef Chili Macaroni with National Masala and Sauces. Surprise your family with this mouthwatering meal. Try out this Beef Chili Macaroni at home and share your feedback with us.

#Madeeasy #CookingMadeEasy #BakraEidRecipes #beefchilimacaroni

Beef Chili Macaroni

Ingredients Beef Preparation:
Beef (boneless) 700 g
National Synthetic Vinegar 2 tbsp
National Salt 1 tsp
National Black Pepper Powder 1 tsp
Egg 1
National Cornflour 4 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
Red chili flakes 1 tbsp
Oil (for frying) as required

Ingredients for Boiling Macaroni:
Water as required
Salt 1 tsp
Elbow macaroni 3 cups

Ingredients for Beef Chili Macaroni:
Oil 3 tbsp
Garlic (chopped) 2 tbsp
Cooked beef
Capsicum (julienne) 1 cup
Green chilies (sliced) 1 cup
National Soy sauce 2 tbsp
National Chili sauce 2 tbsp
Red chili flakes 1 tbsp
National Salt 1 tsp
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
National Black Pepper Powder 1 tsp
Water 1 cup
Corn flour slurry (water + corn flour) 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp
Boiled macaroni

Directions for Beef Marination:
1. Now in a bowl add beef strips, National Synthetic Vinegar, National Salt, black pepper, egg, National Cornflour, ginger garlic paste and chili flakes. Marinate for half hour.
2. Now in a pan heat oil and deep fry the beef strips until fully done. set aside.
Directions for Boiled Macaroni Preparation:
3. In a pot boil water then add macaroni, salt and boil it until its 80% done. Strain through chilled water and toss in 1 tbsp of oil. Set aside.
Directions for Beef Chili Macaroni Preparation:
4. Now in a preheated pan add oil, garlic and saut it for 30 secs. Then add cooked beef strips and mix it well.
5. Now add green chilies and capsicum saut it for a minute. Then add National soy sauce, National chili sauce, red chili flakes, oyster sauce, National salt, National black pepper powder. Mix it well and cook for 3-4 minutes.
6. Now add water and cook until beef is fully done. Then add slurry and cook until it thickens.
7. Now add boiled macaroni and mix it well.
8. Your Beef Chili Macaroni is ready to serve.
Prep time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 30-35 mins
Servings: 5-6
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