Bake pavlova in AIR FRYER?! Ninja Air Fryer Max #shorts

Yes, its possible to bake pavlova using an air fryer! And with Ninjas Air Fryer Max, I can even reduce the cooking time by baking it at a higher temperature. I love it! Thank you @khairulaming for the recipe.

1. Beat 2 egg whites with half a cup of caster sugar until stiff peaks form
2. Add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and half teaspoon of vanilla; fold into mixture
3. Transfer to a cake pan. Smooth the top to even it out. (Make sure the cake pan fit your air fryer!)
4. Bake at 120C for 30 minutes
5. Decorate with whipped cream and fruits. Make sure the pavlova base is cooled to touch before you put the cream on top.
6. Done!

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#ninjakitchen #ninjakitchensg #desserts #pavlova #halal
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