AUTHENTIC PANNA COTTA RECIPE | How to make Strawberry Panna Cotta | Vincenzo's Plate

Panna Cotta is the perfect way to end a fantastic meal.Topped with luscious strawberries and a zesty lemon base, this smooth dessert will awaken all your senses...


100g Sugar
1 egg
75g butter
50ml of lemon juice

3gelatine leaves (6gr)
500ml cooking cream
1 tblsp vanilla essence
150g sugar

500g strawberries cut in 1/4
70g sugar
2 tblsp water


1. Cut each lemon in ½ and squeeze the juice out. I like to do this with my hands and a small strainer to catch the seeds.
2. You need 50ml of juice so it depends on how big your lemons are!
3. Put 1 egg, sugar and lemon juice into a non-stick small pan and stir well using a whisk, then ass butter.
4. Now, turn the stove on to a medium heat and keep mixing
5. Continue to stir until the cream thickens and your kitchen will start to smell DIVINE!
6. Once you have a nice thick cream, take it off and poor ¼ in a small glass. Place it in the fridge for 1 hour.

1. To make your panna cotta, soften 3 gelatine leaves in a bowl of room temperature water.
2. Put a small saucepan on medium heat and add 500ml cooking cream.
3. Add a drizzle of vanilla essence (1 x tablespoon) and 150g of sugar.
4. Stir gently with a wooden spoon and bring to a simmer, but make sure you dont boil it - or your panna cotta mixture won't turn out!
5. Squeeze out excess water from the gelatine leaves using your hands and add them to the mixture.

Vincenzo's Plate Tip: Take your time when squeezing out the water because you don't want any to get into your creamy panna cotta mix.

6. Put the saucepan back on heat and continue to mix well until the leaves dissolve.
7. Pour this into small glasses, ¾ of the way to top and refrigerate for 8 hours.

1. Put strawberries into a saucepan and add water and sugar.
2. Bring this to a boil and then blend the mixture until it becomes a beautiful, shiny liquid.
4. Strain the syrup using a sieve and it leave in the fridge to cool.
5. Pour your desired amount on top of the panna cotta but only once its set.

To serve:
Add a mint leaf on top before serving. This will not only add another layer of colour it will add a whole new dimension of flavour!

E ora si mangia, Vincenzo’s Plate!


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