Apple and Snow Fungus Soup [Nyonya Cooking]

Asian's nutritional dessert using snow fungus. This is an easy and healthy dessert recipe. Snow fungus is helpful in reducing collagen losses of the skin and therefore, it is “magical” food for youthfulness.

When it comes to Asian cuisine, “Tong Shui” or literally translated as sugar water, deserves a mention as it is a favourite option for dessert. These desserts are not only sweet as the name suggests but comes along with nutritional values. There are too many of these desserts to be named but one of them is Apple and Snow Fungus Soup.

Due to the properties in snow fungus which are able to help in reducing collagen losses if the skin, it is known as the secret to beautiful skin in Asian cultures. Chinese ladies uses this as a cheaper option to expensive herbs for beautiful skin. Apricot seeds used are of the **南杏 (south)** and **北杏 (north)** types. They may look similar but they are different! South and north apricot seeds and red dates have lots of vitamins. Thus, this dessert is power packed with goodness and you do not need to feel guilty when indulging in it.

This dessert may be served either cold or warm, depending on your preference. Great for winter and even the very warm weather to cool the body heat. Just because this dessert has lots of vitamins, you should not simply overindulge. As it is “cooling to the body”, enjoy this dessert moderately.

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