

1. Clean endive and cut in half length wise.

2. Cut small v-shape into the middle (core) and remove.

3. This will help endive cook evenly.

4. Sauté endive in olive oil till tender.

5. Save pan and drippings.

6. Take each endive and roll in one slice of ham.

7. Place in a Pam sprayed baking dish.

8. Heat pan drippings with 2 cups of milk.

9. Add boullion and bring to a boil.

10. Thicken with 2 talblespoons of corn starch mixed with 2 tablespoons of milk.

11. When thick add 1/2 cup of cheese.

12. Mix well and pour over endive.

13. Top with remaining cheese.

14. Bake at 350° for 1 hour or refrigerate and bake when you are ready.

15. In Belgium this dish is served with Belgium (french) fries.


