Swiss Basler Leckerli With Kirsch

Swiss Basler Leckerli With Kirsch

1. Pour honey into a large saucepan. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

2. Add Kirsch. Stir in sugar. Return to medium heat. Stir in everything else except flour and glaze ingredients. Remove from heat.

3. Stir in the flour graadually until the dough cleans the side of the pan. This should take about 15 minutes. If the dough is still sticky, add more flour, a little at a time.

4. Roll out to 1/2-inch thickness. Cut into 2 x 3-inch bars. Place them closely together on a heavily greased and floured baking sheet. Let stand overnight at room temperature.

5. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. While hot, brush with confectioners glaze.

6. To make glaze: beat together for 20 minutes. If more glaze is needed, make up several batches rather than doubling the recipe.

7. NOTE: These need to ripen before eating. Pack in airtight containers and keep, if possible, for 3- 4 weeks. Stored this way, this will keep almost indefinitely.


