Norwegian Potato And Rye Pancake Flatbreads - Lefse

Norwegian Potato And Rye Pancake Flatbreads - Lefse

1. Put the mashed potatoes into a large bowl and add the flour, sugar and salt - mix well.

2. Add some water - bit by bit, kneading well so it makes a pliable dough.

3. Take little balls from the dough - the size of a small egg and roll them out thinly on a well floured surface.

4. Heat up a flat griddle, hotplate or skillet and cook the Lefse with a little fat until the dough bubbles.

5. Turn them over and cook the other side.

6. When the Lefse have been cooked - they should be smooth and soft.

7. Eat them as I have suggested in the Introduction!

8. For Vegetarian make sure the Fat is from a Vegetable product such as vegetable oil not from an animal product such as lard.


