Marshmallow Schaum Torte

Marshmallow Schaum Torte

1. Add all but cream of tartar to very large mixing bowl.

2. Start beating on low speed, gradually increasing to high.

3. Once egg whites begin to foam, add cream of tartar.

4. Continue beating for 30 minutes (yes, 30 minutes!).

5. Mixture should be snow-white and be able to hold peaks.

6. Place in a greased 9x13 pan.

7. Conventional Oven Method:

8. Preheat oven at 500 degrees F while mixture is beating (30 minutes).

9. Place torte in oven and TURN OVEN OFF.

10. Leave in overnight; torte will be done in the morning.

11. Gas Oven Method:

12. Preheat oven to 275 degrees F.

13. Place torte in oven and bake for 1 hour.

14. When cooled store in fridge.

15. Serve with sliced strawberries and whipped cream.


