Indonesian Liver ( Beef, Chicken Or Pork )

Indonesian Liver ( Beef, Chicken Or Pork )

1. Clean the liver and chop into chunks of approx 1 inch.

2. Make the paste; put all the ingredients except for the oil in a blender or food processor and pulse to a paste.

3. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the paste and fry the paste together with the lime leaves and the lemon grass for 2 to 3 minutes Add the liver and fry for another 2 minutes.

4. Then add the coconut milk, start with 1 ½ cup you can always add more to taste, simmer without covering for about 15 minutes, the sauce should be thick and the liver cooked, watch that you don’t over cook the liver Taste for salt and serve this with rice as a main dish or part of an Indonesian Rijsttafel.


