Hungarian Nockerl

Hungarian Nockerl

1. Add the water, eggs and salt to the flour in a large bowl.

2. Mix well.

3. Cover the bowl with a terry cloth towel until you are ready to use.

4. Fill a large pot with water and add salt to taste.

5. Bring to boil.

6. Wet a wooden cutting board and put 1/3 of the dough on it.

7. Using a sharp knofe, flick 1 inch strips into the water.

8. Stir the pot occasionally and keep the water at a simmer.

9. Cook for 5-10 minutes after the last batch is added.

10. Drain and rinse with water.

11. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter and add with the nockerl to a dish and keep in a low, warm oven until ready to serve.

12. Serve with Chicken Paprikash, Stuffed Cabbage or braised meat dishes.


