Cuban Stuffed Bell Peppers

Cuban Stuffed Bell Peppers

1. Wash green peppers, slice off stem end, and remove seeds and membrane. Drop the peppers into boiling water that has been lightly salted. Boil for two or three minutes and remove.

2. Sauté onion with ground beef and a little olive until browned. (DO NOT DRAIN.) Stir in tomatoes (I used chili style canned tomatoes) and heat through. Remove from heat and stir in bread cubes, 1 teaspoon of cumin, salt, pepper, and 1/2 cup ketchup.

3. Stuff peppers and place in lightly greased baking pan. Mix 1/2 cup ketchup with 1/4 cup tomato juice, wine, and one teaspoon ground cumin. Pour this sauce over the peppers, cover the pan, and bake at 300° F for 45 minutes.


