Chop Suey Loaf 1954

Chop Suey Loaf 1954

1. Scald the milk and mix in the sugar, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg, Add in the shortening and corn syrup until all is melted and combined to dissolve.

2. In another cup add the warm water with the sugar and yeast and let stand ten minutes to proof.

3. Stir down the foam after ten minutes and add to the other milk mixture in large bowl.

4. Blend in the three beaten eggs and the first amount of flour.

5. Beat well by hand or with mixer.

6. Mix in all the fruits.

7. Continue mixing and add in the last of the flour combining well.

8. Knead at least ten minutes.

9. If you have to add a another half cup of flour do so, as it should be a soft not real sticky dough, just a bit tacky to the touch.

10. Shape into a smooth ball and place in greased large bowl, rotating the ball so it greased all over.

11. Cover with damp cloth and let rise until double. About two to three hours. In a draft free place.

12. Punch down and divide into three loafs.

13. Place into three greased 8 x 4 inch loaf pans and again let rise until doubled about one hour to hour and a half.

14. Bake at 400 degree oven for about 30 to 35 minutes.

15. When done, remove to rack to let cool.

16. When cool you may make an icing glaze of powdered sugar, and milk with a touch of lemon juice to dizzle all over the tops, and down sides.

17. Cooking time does not include the time to rise the dough.


