California Roll Deviled Eggs

California Roll Deviled Eggs

1. Halve the eggs lengthwise and transfer the yolks to a small bowl. Set the egg white halves on a platter.

2. In a mixing bowl, mash the avocado well with a fork, then add the yolks and mash to a smooth consistency. Add the mayonnaise, wasabi paste, and salt, and mix until smooth. Spoon the mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a plain or large star tip, then pipe the mixture evenly into the egg white halves. Alternatively, fill the eggs with a spoon, dividing the filling evenly.

3. Top each egg half with a little crabmeat, a cucumber fan, a sprinkle of furikake and about 1/4 teaspoon tobiko.

4. Tip: To make tiny cucumber fans, quarter a 4-inch piece of English cucumber lengthwise. Then cut each quarter into 18 thin slices -- the goal is to get 3 tiny slices per “fan.”.


