Cabbage Rolls Stew - A Malaysian Eurasian Thing

Cabbage Rolls Stew - A Malaysian Eurasian Thing

1. Boil some water in saucepan. Put in whole cabbage. Remove leaves individually.

2. When leaves are cool, slice off the back center top rib of each leaf -this makes it easier to roll the meat in it.

3. Mix together, the minced pork, the spam, the egg, the sliced green onions, pepper and salt. I like to add a little sherry or chinese rice wine at this point. It's up to yo.

4. Place one dessert spoonful of this mixture in each leaf and roll as in egg-roll style.

5. Heat a little oil in saucepan, when hot, put in the quartered onion, cinnamon stick, pepper seeds, cloves and nutmeg seed.

6. When onion is soft add the can of campbell chicken soup, stir, and add some water (depending on how much gravy you want).

7. When soup begins to boil put in cabbage rolls, simmer for 5 to 10 mins, then turn off heat and serve with sambal belachan and hot rice.


