Addy'S Pound Cake (American Girl Collection)

Addy'S Pound Cake (American Girl Collection)

1. Grease a loaf or bundt pan with shortening. Add about a tablespoon of flour and shake around pan to coat evenly. Set aside. Preheat oven.

2. Separate eggs into small bowls.

3. Unwrap the sticks of butter. Cut the butter into small, manageable one-inch long portions and place them in a heavy, cool mixing bowl.

4. Add 1/4cup of sugar to bowl.Set your mixer to its lowest speed and mix the butter and sugar until no clumps remain. Turn your mixer to medium speed and continue to mix for about two minutes while regularly scraping off beater buildup with a rubber spatula.Continue to add 1/4 cup of sugar at a time and keep mixing.

5. Blend until fluffy and smooth.

6. Beat eggs yolks and mix well. Add to sugar mixture.

7. Add vanilla.

8. Sift dry ingrdients together and gradually add into the sugar mixture.

9. Take the egg whites and beat until stiff.

10. Gradually add the whites to your sugar mixture.

11. Pour your batter into prepared pan.

12. Place in a 350 degree oven for 35 minutes.

13. Turn down temp to 325 and cook for another 25 minutes.

14. Cake is ready when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool at least 10 minutes before removing from pan.


